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May 7, 2024

From Revelation to Realization: Matan Torah and Shavuot

Sarah Gordon

Sarah Gordon

Sarah Gordon teaches in the Dr. Beth Samuels Summer High School Program. She is the Director of Student Activities and Experiential Education at Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School, where she also teaches Talmud and Israel Engagement and Advocacy. She spent two years studying in GPATS and holds dual MA degrees in Jewish Education and Modern Jewish History from Yeshiva University. She has spent time studying in education programs in Israel at Midreshet Lindenbaum, Pardes and Matan and is the recipient of the Grinspoon-Steinhardt Award for Excellence in Jewish Education.

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Shavuot is a captivating holiday with dual significance. On one hand, it holds a legal aspect, emphasizing the giving of the Torah through the reading of the Ten Commandments. On the other hand, it embraces a human dimension through the Book of Ruth, a narrative centered around the harvest and the acts of kindness within the community. This course will emphasize the complementary nature of both aspects. First, we’ll examine various models of revelation and the different aspects of the Ten Commandments. Then, we will shift our focus to realization, delving into the practical challenges when living a Torah-guided life in society, as seen in the Book of Ruth.

Through these texts, the course will address questions such as: What does it look like practically for a society to live accordingly to Torah law? What needs to shift and what accommodations need to be made? What messages do we get from both the law and narrative sections of Torah?

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Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

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Session 4: Source

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