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July 25, 2019

“In the Beginning” Was There a Day Without a Yesterday?

Summer series 2019 “Moments of Creation.” Discuss the mitzvah of P’ru u-Revu, God’s creation “yesh may’ayin” of the human and divine.
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July 26, 2021

Exploring Rabbi Sacks on the Universal and the Particular

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July 27, 2015

Perceiving Tragedy Through the Lens of the Book of Eicha

Tisha B’Av is both a fast day and a day of mourning, but has different observances than other fast days. We will look at some of the reasons why.
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October 27, 2013
Mishnah and Memory: An Educational Exploration
How should we think about Mishnah study if we take it seriously as ...
Dr. Devora Steinmetz

Dr. Devora Steinmetz

Devora Steinmetz serves on the faculty of the Hebrew College Rabbinical School and the Mandel Leadership Institute. She is the founder of Beit Rabban, a Jewish day school profiled in Daniel Pekarsky’s Vision at Work: The Theory and Practice of Beit Rabban. She is the author of scholarly articles on Talmud, Midrash, and Bible as well as of two books, From Father to Son: Kinship, Conflict, and Continuity in Genesis and Punishment and Freedom: The Rabbinic Construction of Criminal Law. She has served on the faculty of Drisha, the Jewish Theological Seminary, Yeshivat Hadar, and Havruta: a Beit Midrash at Hebrew University.

Click here to access podcasts recorded by Devora Steinmetz.

December 2, 2021
Shemittah in the Mishnah: Challenges and Opportunities
Rabbi Avraham Walfish

Rabbi Avraham Walfish

A retired teacher of Talmudic Literature and Rabbinic Thought, Avraham (Avie) Walfish was recently appointed as head of the Halakhic Beit Midrash of the Beit Hillel Rabbinical Organization.  At Yeshiva University he completed his B.A. in philosophy, while studying Talmud with Rav Aharon Lichtenstein and Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveichik. After making aliyah, he received his rabbinic ordination from R. Zalman Nehemiah Goldberg and completed his M.A. and Ph.D. at Hebrew University, writing his dissertation on literary features of Mishnah. He has taught and lectured in many frameworks in Israel and abroad, including Herzog College, Michlala, Pardes Institute, Bar Ilan University, and Drisha. His extensive publications in different areas of Jewish studies include the Iyun Mishnah website and a commentary on Mishnah Berakhot, Mishnaic Tapestries. In 2005 he was awarded the Prize of the Israeli Minister of Education for creative work in Jewish culture.

January 29, 2008
Reading Mishnah
An analysis of the structure and meaning of tractate Rosh Hashana. ...
Rabbi Avie Walfish

Rabbi Avie Walfish

Until his recent retirement, Avraham (Avie) Walfish taught Talmud and Jewish Thought at the Herzog College in Alon Shvut, and headed the M.Ed. program in teaching Talmud and Jewish Thought in Michlala College in Jerusalem.  At Yeshiva University he completed his B.A. in philosophy, while studying Talmud with Rav Aharon Lichtenstein and Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveichik. After making aliyah, he received his rabbinic ordination from R. Zalman Nehemiah Goldberg and completed his M.A. and Ph.D. at Hebrew University, writing his dissertation on literary features of Mishnah. He has taught and lectured in many frameworks in Israel and abroad, including Pardes Institute, Bar Ilan University, and Drisha. His extensive publications in different areas of Jewish studies include the Iyun Mishnah website and a recently published commentary on Mishnah Berakhot, Mishnaic Tapestries. In 2005 he was awarded the Prize of the Israeli Minister of Education for creative work in Jewish culture.

Click here to access podcasts recorded by Avie Walfish.

September 9, 2007
What Have They Done to My Holiday, or Rosh Hashana Through the Ages
The Torah dubs Rosh Hashana the “Day of Trumpet Blasts;”...
James Kugel

James Kugel

James Kugel is Chair of the Institute for the History of the Jewish Bible at Bar Ilan University in Israel and the Harry M. Starr Professor Emeritus of Classical and Modern Hebrew Literature at Harvard University. He is the author and editor of numerous books and articles.

Click here to access podcasts recorded by James Kugel.

August 8, 2019
The Quest to Reestablish the Bible’s Sacred Space
Part 1: The Loss of Sacred Space- The first man and woman do not la...
Rabbi David Silber

Rabbi David Silber

David Silber is the founder and dean of Drisha Institute for Jewish Education in New York and Israel. Rabbi Silber received ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. He is a recipient of the Covenant Award, for excellence in innovative Jewish education, and is the author of A Passover Haggadah: Go Forth and Learn (Jewish Publication Society 2011), For Such a Time as This: Biblical Reflections in the Book of Esther (Koren Publishers 2017), and Malkhut Adam: Iyunim Bsefer Shmuel (Maggid 2021). He is also a nationally acclaimed lecturer on the Bible. Rabbi Silber is married to Dr. Devora Steinmetz. They have eight children and live in New York City.

Click here to access other recorded classes by David Silber.

May 3, 2020
Tanakh B’yachad: 929 at Drisha — Samuel
Rabbi Silber briefly expounds on each chapter of the Book of Samuel...
Rabbi David Silber

Rabbi David Silber

David Silber is the founder and dean of Drisha Institute for Jewish Education in New York and Israel. Rabbi Silber received ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. He is a recipient of the Covenant Award, for excellence in innovative Jewish education, and is the author of A Passover Haggadah: Go Forth and Learn (Jewish Publication Society 2011), For Such a Time as This: Biblical Reflections in the Book of Esther (Koren Publishers 2017), and Malkhut Adam: Iyunim Bsefer Shmuel (Maggid 2021). He is also a nationally acclaimed lecturer on the Bible. Rabbi Silber is married to Dr. Devora Steinmetz. They have eight children and live in New York City.

Click here to access other recorded classes by David Silber.

April 16, 2015
Songs of My Beloved: A Musical Celebration of Shir HaShirim
Rolando Matalon

Rolando Matalon

Rolando Matalon is the Rabbi at Congregation Bnai Jeshurun in Manhattan. He received ordination from the Jewish Theological Seminary from which he has a Masters of Hebrew Letters. He has a BS in Chemistry from the Universite de Montreal.

June 11, 2013
“Sweetening Judgment:” Readings in Rabbi Nahman of Breslov, in Hebrew
The notion of din – a central motif in Kabbalistic literature...
Ben-Zion Ovadia

Ben-Zion Ovadia

Ben-Zion Ovadia teaches at the “Havruta” beit midrash at Hebrew University and is a core faculty member of Drisha’s beit midrash in Israel, in which he teaches Talmud and Chassidic thought. He studies philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he is writing a thesis on the philosophy of language in the thought of Wittgenstein and his followers. He is also deeply interested in cantorial and Sephardic liturgical music. Ben-Zion worked closely with David Silber in translating his Haggadah into the Hebrew edition.

Click here to access podcasts recorded by Ben-Zion Ovadia.

March 15, 2007
Israel Unbound: The Legacy of Slavery
Why do we begin our history as a people with the story of our ensla...
Rabba Wendy Amsellem

Rabba Wendy Amsellem

Rabba Wendy Amsellem teaches Talmud and Halakha at Yeshivat Maharat and directs The Beit Midrash Program, a joint project of Maharat and Yeshivat Chovevei Torah. She also teaches regularly at Drisha, Pardes, and the Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center.  Rabba Wendy received semikha from Yeshivat Maharat and is an alumna of the Drisha Scholars Circle. She has a BA in History and Literature from Harvard University.

Click here to access podcasts recorded by Wendy Amsellem.

August 8, 2019
The Quest to Reestablish the Bible’s Sacred Space
Part 1: The Loss of Sacred Space- The first man and woman do not la...
Rabbi David Silber

Rabbi David Silber

David Silber is the founder and dean of Drisha Institute for Jewish Education in New York and Israel. Rabbi Silber received ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. He is a recipient of the Covenant Award, for excellence in innovative Jewish education, and is the author of A Passover Haggadah: Go Forth and Learn (Jewish Publication Society 2011), For Such a Time as This: Biblical Reflections in the Book of Esther (Koren Publishers 2017), and Malkhut Adam: Iyunim Bsefer Shmuel (Maggid 2021). He is also a nationally acclaimed lecturer on the Bible. Rabbi Silber is married to Dr. Devora Steinmetz. They have eight children and live in New York City.

Click here to access other recorded classes by David Silber.