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April 20, 2023

Vayikra: A Guide to Relationships

Rachael Gelfman Schultz

Rachael Gelfman Schultz

Ms. Rachael Gelfman Schultz is a teacher and writer. She has taught in a variety of formal and informal Jewish educational frameworks in Israel and in the US, including high school, Hebrew school, adult education, and one-on-one tutoring. She specializes in teaching students in the process of conversion. Rachael writes, edits, and translates for Jewish non-profit organizations and publishers, as well as writing Jewish educational curricula. Rachael has a BA from Harvard University in Religion and an MA from Hebrew University in Jewish Thought. She also studied in the Bruriah Scholars program at Midreshet Lindenbaum and the Advanced Kollel at Pardes Institute. Originally from Sharon, MA, Rachael now lives with her family in Mitzpe Netofa in the Galilee.

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Although Vayikra may seem difficult to connect to today, it provides many deep insights about relationships – both interpersonal and between people and God. Vayikra explores questions such as: What role do gift-giving and physical acts of service play in building relationships? How can we restore a relationship after a rupture, so that the rupture helps the relationship grow closer rather than more distant? How do we set limits in relationships and what do we do when those limits are not respected? How do we balance routine and spontaneity in relationships? In this course, we will explore these questions by looking closely at several passages from Vayikra, using a wide range of commentaries, from ancient to modern.

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Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 1: Source

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Session 2: Source

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Session 3: Source

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Session 4: Source

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Session 5: Source

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