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August 8, 2019

The Quest to Reestablish the Bible’s Sacred Space

Rabbi David Silber

Rabbi David Silber

David Silber is the founder and dean of Drisha Institute for Jewish Education in New York and Israel. Rabbi Silber received ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. He is a recipient of the Covenant Award, for excellence in innovative Jewish education, and is the author of A Passover Haggadah: Go Forth and Learn (Jewish Publication Society 2011), For Such a Time as This: Biblical Reflections in the Book of Esther (Koren Publishers 2017), and Malkhut Adam: Iyunim Bsefer Shmuel (Maggid 2021). He is also a nationally acclaimed lecturer on the Bible. Rabbi Silber is married to Dr. Devora Steinmetz. They have eight children and live in New York City.

Click here to access other recorded classes by David Silber.

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Part 1: The Loss of Sacred Space- The first man and woman do not last long in the original sacred space, the Garden of Eden. As such, much of the subsequent Biblical stories are best understood by attempts by other human beings to find an alternative to this sacred space. In part 1 of our series, we examine how Noah and Abraham’s lives are properly understood through the prism of this quest.
Part 2: Rebuilding- After the world is destroyed by the Flood, Noach is called upon to rebuild it. He, like many survivors of destruction throughout history, is able to continue living by assuming responsibility for others. His successes and failures in his post-Flood existence set the stage for the rest of the Book of Genesis.
Part 3: Failed Attempts- In being introduced to the character of Abraham, we naturally contrast him with the failed attempt at human edifice-building that was the Tower of Babel. Learn how the lessons of the builders of Babylon, and the call of God to Abraham, help pave the way for the creation of the covenantal family.
Part 4: Securing Space- Through a comparison of the Abrahamic narratives to the Book of Samuel, it becomes clear that ensuring the continuity of covenant, and the covenantal family, is a struggle not easily met.
Part 5: Claiming the Land- Through the characters of Sarah and Rebecca, the Jewish people’s claims to the land start to take shape, and the covenantal family begins to grow, albeit through struggle and suffering.
Part 6: Raising the Covenantal Child- Rebecca’s machinations to ensure that Jacob receives the covenantal blessing from Isaac reveals much about the importance of seeing properly in ensuring the covenantal destiny is made manifest.
Part 7: Earning Sacred Space- Jacob promises to build God a house on earth, but then gets mired in the house of Laban. How does his stay in Aram affect Jacob, and how can he come to terms with his earlier experience with the heavenly house of God?
Part 8: Birth and Rebirth- Jacob’s struggle with the angel is a physical representation of the difficulty inherent in passing along the covenantal blessing to the next generation. For Jacob, this struggle requires him to be reborn, with a reaffirmed sense of mission and purpose, free of the clutches of both Laban and his brother Esau.
Part 9: Not My Brother’s Keeper- Once the covenantal family grows, so do threats to its unity. Brotherly hatred puts the viability of the covenantal family at risk, and threatens to derail the realization of life on the covenantal land.
Part 10: The Path to Redemption- The episode of Judah and Tamar holds the key to the survival of the patriarchal family. Through his confession, Judah, inspired by Tamar, learns the powerful lesson of responsibility, thereby putting the family on the path to redemption.
Part 11: Falsely Accused?- Joseph, in his position of authority in Egypt, accuses the brothers of misdeeds in a way that is both true and false. In responding to Joseph’s charges, the brothers, led by Judah, learn the power of humility and service on behalf of others, keys to reconciliation and rebuilding.
Part 12: Inclusion- The actions of Jacob on his deathbed impart to his children the key to building covenantal community in the covenantal land – inclusivity and openness to multiple voices.

Session 1: The Loss of Sacred Space

Session 2: Rebuilding

Session 3: Failed Attempts

Session 4: Securing Space

Session 5: Claiming the Land

Session 6: Raising the Covenantal Child

Session 7: Earning Sacred Space

Session 8: Birth and Rebirth

Session 9: Not My Brother’s Keeper

Session 10: The Path to Redemption

Session 11: Falsely Accused?

Session 12: Inclusion