
Spring 2020, Pre-Pesach webinar Session 1 – Personal Struggle Session 2 – Personal Redemption

There are many instances in the story of the exodus of God and the nation of Israel’s deception of the Egyptian people. Download this podcast to learn more. The Rapoport Family Memorial Lecture.

The biblical account of the Exodus has been utilized for millennia as the source-text for discussions on central dichotomies in the human experience (death versus life, slavery versus freedom, and a life of meaning versus a life without). In this lecture, we will explore some of the richest of these readings, and ask how the… Continue reading Blood, Bread, and Redemption: What is the “True” Story of Pesach?

This lecture will explore biblical, second temple, and rabbinic texts about how Pesach was celebrated in a diversity of ways in antiquity – as it is observed in many different ways in the present as well. We will think about how Pesach was imagined to originate as a family ritual, how it took a detour as… Continue reading How did the Pesach Seder become a Family Affair?

As Jews we are constantly reminded, “Be kind to the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt” and the Pesach seder begins with the words, “Whoever is hungry, let him come and eat; whoever is in need, let him come and conduct the Seder of Passover.” Shuli Taubes will focus on developing… Continue reading You Were Strangers in the Land of Egypt: A Redemptive Reflection on ‘Strangers’ in Judaism