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January 31, 2025
Hanukkah One-Shot
Beruriah is the only female scholar mentioned by name in the Talmud. She is simultaneously a part... more
Rabbi Jon Kelsen

Rabbi Jon Kelsen

Dr. R. Jon Kelsen is the Chief Education Officer at Drisha, having formerly served as Dean at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah. He received ordination from Rabbis Daniel Landes and Zalman Nehemiah Goldberg and holds a PhD in Education and Jewish Studies from New York University, which he pursued as a Wexner Graduate Fellow.

Click here to access podcasts recorded by Jon Kelsen.

Victoria Sutton

Victoria Sutton

Rabbanit Victoria Sutton is on the Judaic studies faculty at the Heschel School and has taught in the Drisha High School Summer Program. Prior to that, she served as the Director of Education and Community Engagement at Congregation Beth Israel, a Modern Orthodox synagogue in Berkeley. She was ordained through Yeshivat Maharat in 2014. A graduate of Barnard College, with a BA in Biological Sciences, she also holds a Grand Diploma in Pastry Arts from the French Culinary Institute. Victoria sat on the board of Jewish Family and Community Services East Bay and was involved with community organizations in New York City focusing on homelessness, literacy, sexual assault and domestic violence.

December 25, 2024
Mishnah in Depth: Sanhedrin and Makkot
This lecture represents the start of a major initiative in the study of mishnah at Drisha, in... more
Rav Matthew Nitzanim

Rav Matthew Nitzanim

Matthew Nitzanim teaches Torah at Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi and Pardes. He studied at Bar-Ilan University (MA, Bioethics), Yeshivat Machanayim (Smicha, Israeli Chief Rabbinate), and Princeton University (BA, Philosophy).

December 23, 2024
On Knowledge, Labor and Work in The Bible
Beruriah is the only female scholar mentioned by name in the Talmud. She is simultaneously a part... more
Rabbi David Silber

Rabbi David Silber

David Silber is the founder and dean of Drisha Institute for Jewish Education in New York and Israel. Rabbi Silber received ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. He is a recipient of the Covenant Award, for excellence in innovative Jewish education, and is the author of A Passover Haggadah: Go Forth and Learn (Jewish Publication Society 2011), For Such a Time as This: Biblical Reflections in the Book of Esther (Koren Publishers 2017), and Malkhut Adam: Iyunim Bsefer Shmuel (Maggid 2021). He is also a nationally acclaimed lecturer on the Bible. Rabbi Silber is married to Dr. Devora Steinmetz. They have eight children and live in New York City.

Click here to access other recorded classes by David Silber.

December 22, 2024
AI: A World Without Work
Beruriah is the only female scholar mentioned by name in the Talmud. She is simultaneously a part... more
Rabbi Jonathan Ziring

Rabbi Jonathan Ziring

Rabbi Jonathan Ziring is a Ram and the Educational Coordinator at Yeshivat Migdal HaTorah. Rabbi Ziring received semichah from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary at Yeshiva University. He also received an MA in Jewish Philosophy from Bernard Revel Graduate School and a BA from the Honors Program at the Yeshiva College of Yeshiva University.

Rabbi Ziring studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion and continued his learning there as a member of the Kollel Gavoah. He was also a fellow at the Tikvah Fund and Center for Modern Torah Leadership’s Summer Beit Midrash. Rabbi Ziring has previously served as Sgan Rosh Kollel of the Yeshiva University Torah miTzion Beit Midrash Zichron Dov and as the Rabbinic Assistant of BAYT in Toronto. He has taught in many contexts in the US, Canada and Israel, focusing particularly on the Halakhic Process.

December 4, 2024
AI, Halakhic Decision Making, and Torah Education
Beruriah is the only female scholar mentioned by name in the Talmud. She is simultaneously a part... more
Rabbi Jonathan Ziring

Rabbi Jonathan Ziring

Rabbi Jonathan Ziring is a Ram and the Educational Coordinator at Yeshivat Migdal HaTorah. Rabbi Ziring received semichah from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary at Yeshiva University. He also received an MA in Jewish Philosophy from Bernard Revel Graduate School and a BA from the Honors Program at the Yeshiva College of Yeshiva University.

Rabbi Ziring studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion and continued his learning there as a member of the Kollel Gavoah. He was also a fellow at the Tikvah Fund and Center for Modern Torah Leadership’s Summer Beit Midrash. Rabbi Ziring has previously served as Sgan Rosh Kollel of the Yeshiva University Torah miTzion Beit Midrash Zichron Dov and as the Rabbinic Assistant of BAYT in Toronto. He has taught in many contexts in the US, Canada and Israel, focusing particularly on the Halakhic Process.

December 4, 2024
The Gates of Crying Were Not Locked: Crying Adults and Crying Children in Classical Jewish Texts
Beruriah is the only female scholar mentioned by name in the Talmud. She is simultaneously a part... more
Rabbanit Leah Sarna

Rabbanit Leah Sarna

Rabbanit Leah Sarna is the Associate Director of Education and Director of High School Programs at Drisha. She previously served as Director of Religious Engagement at Anshe Sholom B’nai Israel Congregation in Chicago, a leading urban Orthodox congregation.

She was ordained at Yeshivat Maharat in 2018, holds a BA from Yale University in Philosophy & Psychology, and also trained at the SKA Beit Midrash for Women at Migdal Oz, Drisha and the Center for Modern Torah Leadership. Rabbanit Sarna’s published works have appeared in The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Lehrhaus and MyJewishLearning.

She has lectured in Orthodox synagogues and Jewish communal settings around the world and loves spreading her warm, energetic love for Torah and Mitzvot with Jews in all stages of life.

November 24, 2024
Rabbi Israel Salanter’s Re-Visioning of Orthodox Judaism
Beruriah is the only female scholar mentioned by name in the Talmud. She is simultaneously a part... more
Yitz Greenberg

Yitz Greenberg

Yitz Greenberg was the founding president of CLAL- the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership. He served as Rabbi of the Riverdale Jewish Center, as Associate Professor of History at Yeshiva University, and as founder, chairman and Professor in the Department of Jewish Studies of City College of the City University of New York.

Click here to access podcasts recorded by Yitz Greenberg.

November 12, 2024
Why Pray in Community?
Beruriah is the only female scholar mentioned by name in the Talmud. She is simultaneously a part... more
Rachael Gelfman Schultz

Rachael Gelfman Schultz

Ms. Rachael Gelfman Schultz is a teacher and writer. She has taught in a variety of formal and informal Jewish educational frameworks in Israel and in the US, including high school, Hebrew school, adult education, and one-on-one tutoring. She specializes in teaching students in the process of conversion. Rachael writes, edits, and translates for Jewish non-profit organizations and publishers, as well as writing Jewish educational curricula. Rachael has a BA from Harvard University in Religion and an MA from Hebrew University in Jewish Thought. She also studied in the Bruriah Scholars program at Midreshet Lindenbaum and the Advanced Kollel at Pardes Institute. Originally from Sharon, MA, Rachael now lives with her family in Mitzpe Netofa in the Galilee.

November 11, 2024
Mishnah in Depth: Bava Batra
This lecture represents the start of a major initiative in the study of mishnah at Drisha, in... more
Nathaniel Helfgot

Nathaniel Helfgot

Nathaniel Helfgot is chair of the dept of Talmud and Rabbinics at the SAR High School in New York City. He serves as spiritual leader of Congregation Netivot Shalom in Teaneck, NJ . He is on the faculty of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School and the Wexner Heritage Program. An alumnus of the Jerusalem Fellows program, he received ordina­tion from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary and has an MA in Education from the David J. Azrieli Graduate School.

Click here to access podcasts recorded by Nathaniel Helfgot.

November 3, 2024
All Israel Are Guarantors for One Another: The History of a Metaphor
Beruriah is the only female scholar mentioned by name in the Talmud. She is simultaneously a part... more
Dr. Ayelet Hoffmann Libson

Dr. Ayelet Hoffmann Libson

Dr. Ayelet Hoffmann Libson is a scholar of Talmud and Jewish law, and serves as assistant professor of law at the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya. She received a B.A. from the Hebrew University, and an M.A. and Ph.D. from New York University. She is also a graduate of the MaTaN Advanced Talmud Institute and the Beit Morasha Program in Jewish Law. In 2017-2018 she was the Gruss Visiting Professor of Jewish Law at Harvard Law School, and she has also served as a research fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute. Her first book is entitled Law and Self-Knowledge in the Talmud (Cambridge University Press, 2018).

October 29, 2024
The Madwoman in the Rabbi’s Attic: The Tale of Yalta the Shrew
Beruriah is the only female scholar mentioned by name in the Talmud. She is simultaneously a part... more
October 27, 2024
Exodus: Marching to Sinai
Beruriah is the only female scholar mentioned by name in the Talmud. She is simultaneously a part... more
Rabbi David Silber

Rabbi David Silber

David Silber is the founder and dean of Drisha Institute for Jewish Education in New York and Israel. Rabbi Silber received ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. He is a recipient of the Covenant Award, for excellence in innovative Jewish education, and is the author of A Passover Haggadah: Go Forth and Learn (Jewish Publication Society 2011), For Such a Time as This: Biblical Reflections in the Book of Esther (Koren Publishers 2017), and Malkhut Adam: Iyunim Bsefer Shmuel (Maggid 2021). He is also a nationally acclaimed lecturer on the Bible. Rabbi Silber is married to Dr. Devora Steinmetz. They have eight children and live in New York City.

Click here to access other recorded classes by David Silber.
