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December 22, 2015

Hokhma and Sophia: Extremes Meet?

Hindy Najman

Hindy Najman

Hindy Najman (PhD Harvard University, 1998) is the Oriel and Laing Professor of the Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible at the University of Oxford.  She has previously taught at Yale University, the University of Toronto and the University of Notre Dame. She has written and edited over 15 books and 30 articles in the areas of Hebrew Bible, Second Temple Judaism, Hellenistic Judaism, early Rabbinics and the history of Jewish interpretation. She is currently writing two books:  Afterloss: Finding the Words to Work through Death, to be published in 2016 and Ethical Reading: Rethinking Philology in Biblical Studies, to be published in 2017..

Click here to access podcasts recorded by Hindy Najman.

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- 12/22/2015

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