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March 19, 2014

Dirshu: Confronting Challenges with Mind and Heart: Prayer: What Are We Doing?

Shai Held

Shai Held

Shai Held is Co-Founder, Dean and Chair in Jewish Thought at Mechon Hadar. He has taught for institutions such as Drisha, Me’ah, Combined Jewish Philanthropies, and the Rabbinic Training Institute, and currently serves on the faculty of the Wexner Heritage program. He has a PhD in religion from Harvard. His book, Abraham Joshua Heschel: The Call of Transcendence came out from Indiana University Press in the falll of 2013.

Click here to access podcasts recorded by Shai Held.

Eitan Fishbane

Eitan Fishbane

Eitan Fishbane serves on the faculty of the Jewish Theological Seminary, where he teaches students in the Rabbinical, Graduate, and Undergraduate schools. A scholar of Jewish mysticism and spirituality, he is the author of three books, including As Light Before Dawn: The Inner World of a Medieval Kabbalist, on the mystical thought of Isaac ben Samuel of Akko, and the forthcoming The Poetics of the Zohar; the editor of two others, and the recipient of numerous awards and honors. Professor Fishbane has lectured and taught at more than thirty synagogues across North America.

Click here to access podcasts recorded by Eitan Fishbane.

David Shatz

David Shatz

David Shatz is a Professor of Philosophy, Division Coordinator of the Humanities, and Co-Chair of the Philosophy Department at Yeshiva University. He has a PhD from Columbia University and Rabbinic Ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary.

Click here to access podcasts recorded by David Shatz.

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Prayer is both an obligation and an opportunity. Yet we encounter many obstacles in prayer, practical challenges as well as theological ones.

This series will discuss ways to understand what we are doing when we pray and introduce practices that help us sustain concentration and cultivate presence of mind and heart in our prayer.

March 19: Less Ego, More God: R. Abraham Joshua Heschel in Conversation with Hasidic Masters and Christian Mystics on the Spiritual Project of Prayer – Rabbi Shai Held

  • An exploration of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel’s outlook on how self-transcendence as a means of connection to God can be achieved through the values instilled by prayer.

March 26: Words Filled with Light: Hasidic Mystical Reflections on Kavvanah and Contemplative Prayer – Prof. Eitan Fishbane

  • An analysis of meditative practices adding to the experience of prayer.

April 2: Prayer and Human Needs: R. Soloveitchik and Other Recent Thinkers – Prof. David Shatz

  • In praying for ourselves we become sensitized to the needs of others. What are the values that we extract from our prayers?

Session 1 – Less Ego, More God

Less Ego, More God - 03/19/2014

Session 2 – Words Filled with Light

Words Filled with Light - 03/26/2014

Session 3 – Prayer and Human Needs

Prayer and Human Needs - 04/02/2014

Source – Session 1

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