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April 2, 2020

מצה וארבע כוסות שני מישורים של חירות

Rabbi Chaim Vidal

Rabbi Chaim Vidal

Teaches Jewish Thought in the yeshiva. Rabbi Vidal learned at Machon Meir and Yeshivat Beit El. He earned his Bachelors degree in Philosophy and Jewish Thought at the University of Haifa. Rabbi Vidal was one of the founders of Mechinat Bnei David in Eli and has taught in the mechina as well as a variety of midrashot and yeshivot. He is founder of Galei Masekhta, an institute for the advanced study of agada, and director of the program in Jewish Thought at Yeshivat Amit Orot Shaul in Kfar Batya. Rabbi Vidal is author of two books on prayer as well as many articles and essay

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