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June 8, 2020

Revelation Revealed

Dr. Samuel Lebens

Dr. Samuel Lebens

Rabbi Dr. Samuel Lebens is a philosopher at the university of Haifa and adjunct faculty at Drisha. His first book is about Bertrand Russell and the philosophy of language. His second book, The Principles of Judaism (forthcoming with Oxford University Press) is a contemporary exploration of the philosophical underpinnings of the Jewish faith. He is also co-founder of the Association for the Philosophy of Judaism (personal website:

Click here to access podcasts recorded by Sam Lebens.

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A key tenet of Jewish faith, and the main theme of Shavuot (the festival of weeks), is the belief that there was a Divine revelation at Sinai. This 2-part course explores various interpretations of that event, and various theories of Jewish revelation in general. In part 1, we’ll explore a much neglected puzzle regarding the revelation of the Torah.

Our texts will span the ages from Philo through the Talmud and Midrash, all the way to contemporary Jewish thinkers. Our discussions will shed new light on modern critiques of traditional belief from Biblical scholarship to archaeology.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 2: Source

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