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January 3, 2012

5772 – Parashat Shemot with Dr. Tammy Jacobowitz

Dr. Tammy Jacobowitz

Dr. Tammy Jacobowitz

Dr. Tammy Jacobowitz is the chair of the Bible department at the SAR High School, and is the founding director of Makom B’Siach at SAR, an immersive adult education program for parents. She has taught Bible for the Wexner Heritage program, and she is also an adjunct faculty member of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, where she teaches the Pedagogy of Tanakh. She is a graduate of the Drisha Institute’s Scholars Circle, and completed her PhD in Midrash at the University of Pennsylvania in 2010 as a Wexner Graduate fellow. Dr. Jacobowitz is currently at work on a parsha book, geared towards parents reading to young children. She lives in Teaneck, NJ with her husband, Prof. Ronnie Perelis, and their four children.

Click here to access podcasts recorded by Tammy Jacobowitz.

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Sponsored by Amy Persky in memory of Pearl Bergmann Persky, z”l

Thoughts on the Parashah is a series of shortform remarks on the weekly Torah portion, presented by a range of speakers.

This episode was originally recorded on 01/03/2012