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August 17, 2015

5775 – Parashat Shofetim with Josh Amaru

Josh Amaru

Josh Amaru

Josh Amaru teaches in Drisha’s collegiate programs and has taught Talmud, halakhaChumash, and Jewish thought at various yeshivot and seminaries in Israel. He presently teaches at Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi and is the Coordinating Editor of the Koren/Steinsaltz Talmud Bavli.  He studied for many years at Yeshivat Har Etzion, primarily with Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, received rabbinic ordination from Israel’s Chief Rabbinate and has a PhD in philosophy.

Click here to access podcasts recorded by Josh Amaru.

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Thoughts on the Parashah is a series of shortform remarks on the weekly Torah portion, presented by a range of speakers.

This episode was originally recorded on 08/17/2015