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December 17, 2020

על אורות וצללים של קודש – גפ”ת 42

Rabbanit Yael Shimoni

Rabbanit Yael Shimoni

Rabbanit Shimoni has learned at Migdal Oz, Matan, and the Susi Bradfield Women’s Institute for Halakhic Leadership at Midreshet Lindenbaum. She holds a BFA from Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design and a BEd in Torah Shebe’al Peh and Jewish Thought from Herzog College. She is currently studying towards an MA in Jewish Thought Education at Herzog College. Rabbanit Shimoni taught gemara and halakha at Pelech High School and served as a ramit for shana bet at Migdal Oz. She directs Meshivat Nefesh, the online responsa program of the rabbaniyot of Beit Hillel. She is also a plastic artist and member of “A Studio of Her Own.

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האם מותר להנות מהצל של המקדש? האם מותר להנות מאורו? הדף היומי פוגש את חנוכה. בואו ללמוד רש”י ותוספות על אורות וצללים של קודש
