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November 25, 2016

5776 – Parashat Yitro with Rachel Rosenthal

Rachel Rosenthal

Rachel Rosenthal

Rachel Rosenthal teaches in the Dr. Beth Samuels High School Program. She is a PhD candidate in Rabbinic Literature at JTS, where she serves as an adjunct lecturer in the Department of Talmud. A graduate of the Drisha Scholars Circle, she teaches at the Drisha Institute and in Nishma: A Summer of Torah Study at JTS. She has been a Graduate Fellow in the Center for Jewish Law at Cardozo Law School, and a Wabash Teaching Fellow at JTS.  She is a member of the board of Darkhei Noam, where she serves as co-chair of the Ritual Committee. Rachel holds a BA in Religious Studies from the University of Pennsylvania.

Click here to access podcasts recorded by Rachel Rosenthal.

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Thoughts on the Parashah is a series of shortform remarks on the weekly Torah portion, presented by a range of speakers.

This episode was originally recorded on 11/25/2016