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August 3, 2015

5775 – Parashat Eikev with Mimi Feigelson

Mimi Feigelson

Mimi Feigelson

Mimi Feigelson is the Mashpi’ah Ruchanit (spiritual mentor) and Lecturer of Rabbinic Literature and Chassidic Thought at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles. She has ordination from Reb Shlomo Carlebach and holds an MA from Hebrew University, Jerusalem. She was the Associate Director of Yakar, Jerusalem and Director of it’s Women’s Beit Ha’midrash

Click here to access podcasts recorded by Mimi Feigelson.

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Thoughts on the Parashah is a series of shortform remarks on the weekly Torah portion, presented by a range of speakers.

This episode was originally recorded on 08/03/2015