00:20:20 Liz Braun-Lilenfeld: https://mazon.org/this-is-hunger/this-is-hunger-digital-experience 00:36:43 Susan Hornstein: What distinguishes Mazon as a specifically Jewish response to hunger? 00:45:39 Susan Hornstein: (Justin here - Susan’s husband); There is an ongoing notion that social support of all kinds encourages lack of desire to work and be self-sufficient; what response would you give to this perspective in light of short and long-term hunger and need in the US 00:46:17 Paul Sherman (he/him), MAZON: Deutoronomy 15:4 - However, there need be no poor people among you, for in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you … (15:7) If anyone is poor among your fellow Israelites in any of the towns of the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward them. 00:47:42 Paul Sherman (he/him), MAZON: Bava Batra 8a:15 If one lives in a city for thirty days, he must contribute to the charity platter from which food is distributed to the poor. If he lives there for three months, he must contribute to the charity box. If he lives there for six months, he must contribute to the clothing fund. If he lives there for nine months, he must contribute to the burial fund. If he lives there for twelve months, he must contribute to the columns of the city [lepassei ha'ir], i.e., for the construction of a security fence. 00:52:14 Liz Braun-Lilenfeld: Thank you for the question Justin — The fact is that most people on SNAP who can work, do work. There are groups that we don’t expect to work - children, seniors, folks with disabilities. But it is just not borne out by the data that people are benefitting from the system without working in any great percentage. In addition, there are work requirements enforced around some of these programs (though they can be waived depending on levels of unemployment). We however would argue that SNAP is an anti-hunger program, not an employment program, and we have to evaluate our values as a people and a country if we are to add any barriers to accessing food. 00:53:53 Judith Schwartz: Does mazon have any programs like Leket in Israel which grows fresh produce and gives it to local programs and picks up unused meals and food from army bases and corporate sponsors and catering halls? 00:54:58 Marie Parham: To you advocate directly to elected repereserntatives? 00:57:05 Paul Sherman (he/him), MAZON: Hi Judith, thank you for this question! We do not have a similar program, however I believe our staff in Israel does partner with Leket. We also work with similar organizations around the US - we just don’t do any of this distribution ourselves. 00:57:54 Enid Gill: Where can I find food insecurity statistics for my area: Boca Raton, Florida? 00:58:34 Kyle Fradkin, MAZON (he/him): Hi Enid, You can look here by district and county http://map.feedingamerica.org 00:59:09 Judith Schwartz: In view of an earlier session, what’s being done to avoid food waste and action getting it to people who need it in US? 01:00:43 Paul Sherman (he/him), MAZON: Marie - we sure do! This is a large portion of Kyle’s role at MAZON, and we also host an annual lobby day with a cohort of clergy partners from around the country as well as our Board of Directors. We even hosted a such lobby day virtually this past November and reached more offices than we ever have in person! 01:00:46 Enid Gill: Need stats for advocating to Congress. reps 01:00:57 Rabbanit Leah Sarna - Drisha: What could be done to bring down the prices for healthy food to make it more accessible to everyone but especially to folks on SNAP/etc? 01:01:42 Marie Parham: Do you have suggested scripts for calls to representatives? 01:04:00 Judith Schwartz: Not certain if this is still applicable, but on line in fruit store, saw a poster that stated every dollar spent on fruits/vegetables they got an extra dollar. 01:05:19 Liz Braun-Lilenfeld: Marie - Though you are welcome to be in touch with us directly, you can see our latest asks here: https://mazon.org/take-action 01:08:51 Marie Parham: Job Guarantee!!! 01:10:13 Kyle Fradkin, MAZON (he/him): Thank you, everyone! 01:10:56 Enid Gill: Thank you 01:11:11 Paul Sherman (he/him), MAZON: So nice to be with you, everyone - you can reach Liz and me at lbraun@mazon.org, and psherman@mazon.org, respectively. Happy New Year! 01:11:14 Steve: What percent of the Jewish community is food insecure? 01:11:40 Paul Sherman (he/him), MAZON: https://mazon.org/get-involved/bookshelf 01:13:01 Steve: Do any of agencies provide Kosher food? 01:13:24 Steve: thanks 01:14:02 Paul Sherman (he/him), MAZON: As a Chicago native, I know the Arc and they’re wonderful - I’m sure tomorrow’s session will be great! 01:14:36 Liz Braun-Lilenfeld: https://mazon.org/get-involved/bookshelf